Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sedikit Nota ringkas daripada Puan Ani Munirah Mohamad

Salam semua!

Ini antara nota ringkas tentah analisa Atlas.Ti yang ditulis oleh Puan Ani Munirah. Harap nota ini bermanfaat kepada semua.

Next workshop about Atlas.Ti -->

Analisa data kualitatif menggunakan ATLAS.ti 7

Literature review menggunakan ATLAS.ti 7
Adalah TIDAK TEPAT untuk dikatakan:

“Saya telah selesai menemubual 20 orang responden, jadi kajian saya sudah selesai.”
“Saya sudahpun selesai 10 lawatan lapangan, jadi kajian saya sudah selesai.”
“Saya telah sempurnakan pengumpulan data, jadi kajian saya sudah selesai.”

Kajian itu belum selesai, sehinggalah anda mengeluarkan maksud yang penting daripada data anda, anda membincangkan dapatan daripada analisis itu tadi.

Berikan saya peluang untuk membantu mengeluarkan maksud yang penting daripada data anda, dengan mengajarkan kepada anda bagaimana untuk menggunakan perisian mesra-pengguna ATLAS.ti.”

(Ani Munirah Mohamad, 2013)
Jurulatih bertauliah ATLAS.ti di Asia Tenggara

“Oleh kerana saya mempunyai master berbentuk course-work, saya tidak mempunyai asas kukuh untuk menjalankan kajian sendiri. Setelah menyambung pengajian PhD dengan penyelidikan sepenuhnya, saya mempunyai masalah untuk membuat literature review. Memahami masalah saya, supervisor saya menyarankan saya kepada perisian ATLAS.ti. Alhamdulillah, saya mendapati ATLAS.ti menjadi satu sistem yang baik untuk menguruskan literature saya, dan memudahkan proses penulisan literature review.

Berilah saya peluang untuk menunjukkan kepada anda bagaimana ATLAS.ti boleh membantu anda untuk proses literature review anda sendiri.”

(Ani Munirah Mohamad, 2013)
Jurulatih bertauliah ATLAS.ti di Asia Tenggara

“Apabila anda mempunyai rangka yang jelas berkenaan tema-tema yang akan difokus dalam kajian anda, anda boleh membina senarai kod di dalam Code Manager. Sambil anda membaca data anda, anda cuma perlu ‘tarik dan lepaskan’ kod ke bahagian yang telah ditandakan di dalam data itu tadi, dan ATLAS.ti akan rekodkan bilangan bahagian yang bertanda untuk rujukan selepas ini. Ini dinamakan pengekodan secara deduktif.

Secara alternatif, anda boleh memulakan pengekodan secara induktif. Ini berlaku apabila anda memulakan pembacaan data tanpa satu rangka yang jelas, dan anda membina senarai kod sambil anda membaca data itu tadi. Ini dinamakan pengekodan secara induktif di dalam ATLAS.ti.

Tidak mengapa sekiranya anda membuat pengekodan secara deduktif atau induktif, ATLAS.ti menyediakan fungsi untuk anda membuat kedua-duanya. Di penghujung proses, anda akan mempunyai satu senarai lengkap kod-kod di dalam Code Manager – satu senarai lengkap tema-tema yang anda fokuskan di dalam kajian anda.

Berikan saya peluang untuk menunjukkan kepada anda bagaimana untuk menganalisa data kualitatif anda, dengan mengajarkan kepada anda bagaimana untuk menggunakan perisian mesra-pengguna ATLAS.ti.”

(Ani Munirah Mohamad, 2013)
Jurulatih bertauliah ATLAS.ti di Asia Tenggara
Literature review kaedah tradisional:
1. Download artikel
2. Cetak artikel penting
3. Baca sambil highlight menggunakan highlighter, masukkan points penting dalam jadual @ tulis nota kecil untuk tema penulisan
4. Semak semula puluhan artikel yang pernah dicetak sebelum ini untuk tujuan penulisan
5. Fikir dulu kerana tak pasti simpan kat mana artikel-artikel yang pernah dibaca sebelum ini
6. Tulis review berdasarkan apa yang terjumpa

Literature review menggunakan ATLAS.ti:
1. Download artikel
2. Import ke dalam ATLAS.ti
3. Membaca sambil highlight menggunakan cursor, kod berdasarkan tema penulisan
4. Berikan arahan kepada ATLAS.ti untuk keluarkan ke-SEMUA points penting daripada ke-SEMUA artikel mengikut susunan tema penulisan dalam bentuk SATU dokumen baru
5. Tulis review berdasarkan points penting yang telah dihasilkan daripada fungsi output ATLAS.ti.

“Berilah saya peluang untuk menunjukkan kepada anda bagaimana ATLAS.ti boleh membantu anda untuk proses literature review anda sendiri.”

(Ani Munirah Mohamad, 2013)
Jurulatih bertauliah ATLAS.ti di Asia Tenggara


Monday, December 9, 2013


Suppose one has the following research question to address: In which group (low education or higher education), the effect of moderator variable (education) is more pronounced? To address this RQ, the researcher needs to obtain the standardized estimate for the path of interest for both datasets. The procedure is demonstrated in Figure 20 and Figure 21.

***The standardized parameter estimate for “Low Education Group” is 0.22 while the same estimate for “High Education Group” is 0.15. Thus, one can conclude that the effect of X2 on Y is more pronounced in “Higher Education Group” compared to “Low Education Group”.

Now the researcher wants to determine the type of moderation that occurs in the X2 and Y relationship. The results show that the type of moderation here is full moderation since the standardized estimate for Low Education Group is not significant while the standardize estimate for High Education Group is significant. If both estimates are significant then partial moderation occurs.

Join our next workshop :

21 & 22 December 2013 (Saturday & Sunday)
8.30am – 5:30pm
MPWS Training Centre, 63-1, 63-2, Jalan Kajang Impian 1/11,
Taman Kajang Impian, Seksyen 7, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
Associate Professor Dr. Zainudin Hj Awang
RM300 (early bird rate) - payment before or by 7 December 2013
RM350 (normal rate) - payment from 8 December 2013 until closing date
Bahasa Malaysia

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

One Day Workshop on Analysis of Questionnaire and Survey Data: Multivariate Statistical Techniques

Questionnaires are used in a wide range of settings to gather information about the opinions and behaviour of individuals. Understand how to analyse questionnaire and survey data is therefore essential for researchers. In the process of carrying out the research, we need some clues about “How will we analyse our data? Which techniques should we use? How do we decide if they are right or wrong technique?”. Therefore, in this workshop, we will guide you with step by step instructions on how to choose the suitable technique for your survey data.


At the end of this workshop, the participants would be able to:

  • determine the measurement scale of each items in the questionnaire. 
  • understand the idea of each statistical techniques. 
  • decide the appropriate multivariate statistical techniques
To know about this topic, come join us at below workshop ;

17 December 2013 (Tuesday)
8:30am – 5:30pm
MPWS Training Centre, 63-1, 63-2, Jalan Kajang Impian 1/11,
Taman Kajang Impian, Seksyen 7, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
Dr. Shamshuritawati Sharif
RM180 (normal rate) - payment from 1 December 2013 until closing date

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Publication Marketing Tools “Enhancing Research Visibility and Improving Citations”

Speaker       :    Nader Ale Ebrahim, PhD
Organizer    :    MPWS

Can you find all of your published paper on the Internet? Do you like to improve your citation record? Please come and join to the “Publication Marketing Tools” workshop, which will be conducted by Dr. Nader Ale Ebrahim the founder of “Research Tools” Mind Map. Nader has developed and introduced a method for increasing the visibility of the research which directly affects on the number of citations. He will teach you , how to disseminate your publications by using “Research Tools” in order to increase citation. It doesn't matter who you are? The workshop is aimed at professors, lecturers, postgraduate students, researchers who have published any papers and would like to increase their papers’ visibility and number of citations. The “publication marketing tools” uncovered at the workshop is useful across various research disciplines and research institutions. 

Com join us for next workshop! 

8 December 2013   (Sunday)
MPWS Training Centre, 63-1, 63-2, Jalan Kajang Impian 1/11,
Taman Kajang Impian, Seksyen 7, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
8.30am – 5:30pm
Dr. Nader Ale Ebrahim
RM150 (normal rate) - payment before or by 23 November 2013
RM180 (normal rate) - payment from 24 November 2013 until closing date

Monday, November 25, 2013

One Day Course on Publication Marketing Tools "Enhancing Research Visibility and Improving Citations"

The citation has the main share in deciding the university ranking. Hence,researchers  are looking for  an effective method to  increase their  citationrecord.  Nader has  developed and introduced a method for increasing thevisibility of the research which directly affects on the number of citations.The following examples of two researchers prove that publication marketingis indeed effective. Both researchers have used the “Publication MarketingTools” since the beginning of 2012. 

Come and join in the workshop  and then learn how to increase your  paper's visibility and accessibility, improve the quality of the article title and keywords.

8 December 2013   (Sunday)
MPWS Training Centre, 63-1, 63-2, Jalan Kajang Impian 1/11,
Taman Kajang Impian, Seksyen 7, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
8.30am – 5:30pm
Dr. Nader Ale Ebrahim
RM150 (early bird rate) / RM180 (normal rate) 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Literature review using ATLAS.ti

Literature review if conducted traditionally:

1. Download articles

2. Print out important articles

3. Read through while highlighting using a highlighter, transferring the important points into a table @ write short notes bassed on write-up themes

4. Double-check the tens of articles which hadve been printed out before for writing purposes

5. Think first because cannot remember where the already-read articles are kept

6. Write review based on the articles which are found

Literature review using ATLAS.ti:

1. Download articles

2. Import articles into ATLAS.ti

3. Read through while highlighting using the cursor, and code based on write-up themes

4. Give instructions to ATLAS.ti to retrieve ALL important points from ALL the articles in the required order of the write-up themes into ONE new document

5. Write the review based on the important points which have been generated using the output feature of ATLAS.ti

“Give me the opportunity to demonstrate to you how ATLAS.ti can help you for your literature review process.”

(Ani Munirah Mohamad, 2013)

ATLAS.ti certified trainer in South East Asia

Join our next workshop -->

3 December 2013 (Tuesday)
MPWS Training Centre, 63-1, 63-2, Jalan Kajang Impian 1/11,
Taman Kajang Impian, Seksyen 7, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
8:30am – 5:30pm
Madam Ani Munirah (Certified ATLAS.ti Trainer)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Bengkel Sehari Penulisan Jurnal Berkesan dan Penerbitan - Malaysia (Kedah)

Orang Kedah sudah menjemput kami datang untuk berkongsi ilmu. Jadi pada anda yang berdekatan, jangan terlepas peluang ini.

22 November 2013 (Friday)
8:30am – 5:30pm
TH Hotel & Convention Centre, Alor Setar, Kedah
Dr. Nor Azwadi Che Sidik
RM200 (normal rate) - payment from 8 November 2013 until closing date
Bahasa Malaysia

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Steps In Performing Second Order CFA

The procedure of performing the second order factor analysis is as follows:

Step 1: Run the CFA for all first order latent sub-constructs (measurement model) 
In this step, the researcher is running CFA for the measurement model of sub-constructs.

Step 2: Run the Second Order CFA for the main construct on its sub-constructs
In this step, the researcher estimate the causal effects from the main construct to all its sub-constructs. The estimation is carried out by linking the main construct to all sub-constructs using a single headed arrow. The objective here is to estimate the factor loading of main construct on its sub-constructs in order to confirm that the theorized second order construct loads into the respective sub-constructs.

Amacam? Ada yang sudah pening kepala? ;-) Sabar, sabar. Jangan pening-pening kepala. Jom ikuti kursus yang akan kami adakan ini ;

21 November 2013 (Thursday)
8:30am – 5:30pm
Wisma R&D, Universiti Malaya
Dr. Mohd Awang Bin Idris
RM180 (normal rate) - payment from 21 October 2013 until closing date
Bahasa Malaysia

Friday, November 15, 2013


Supposed we are working with the following model (Figure 1). In this model, the researcher is interested to carry out the following analysis:

1) To determine whether Job Attitude mediates the relationship between Skills & Training and Career Advancement.
2) To measure the effect size for single every path in the model
3) To measure the mediated effect of the mediator in the model

Figure 1: The model containing all constructs namely Skill & Training (X), Job Attitude (M), and Career Advancement (Y).

The coefficients and their probability values are summarized in Table 1. As discussed earlier, these values can be used to determine the significance of a mediator in the mediation model.

More explaination, please join our workshop:
Bengkel Sehari Analisis Model Berstruktur: SEM dengan AMOS

21 November 2013 (Thursday)
8:30am – 5:30pm
Wisma R&D, Universiti Malaya
Dr. Mohd Awang Bin Idris
RM180 (normal rate) - payment from 21 October 2013 until closing date
Bahasa Malaysia